The Penguin & the Gingerbread Man

These outfits are 30 years old that my mom saved. I just love you two together, even though you won’t sit still or look at the camera at the same time. Alfalfa & Spanky Forever


a letter


I’ve thought about what you said almost every day since you wrote it: “Let your love for him convict you of how much you don’t love other people.”

When I first read that, I wasn’t all that convicted. While I was DOING a lot of loving things for Wesley, I wasn’t feeling that much love for him all that often. But I’m the sort that has to earn a feeling. And these days, when I cup that little face, stroke those little cheeks, watch those little eyes look out a window, hear that little giggle, press into that warm little embrace… these days my emotions are swept up like a tiny speck of dust caught in a hurricane.

In this case, six months is a nonsense measurement. It measures something mathematical that is entirely mystical. And I’m no mystic, as you know.


One thing I love about your friendship, is that while I’m tempted to write you some simple factual updates about my circumstances and histories, I’m much more drawn to write you some simple factual updates about my soul. If only these were the kinds of annual letters sent out this time of year. I’d read those.

So now that I’ve touched on that whirlwind romance that is motherhood, I’ll share about the other piece. The ugly not loving other people thing.

I’ve been reading about how I need to be less cynical in conflict. I was considering writing “with people” after “conflict” but I’m not sure it’s necessary. So I guess I’m saying I just need to be less cynical, since every day I’m in conflict. I wish had some way to tie that thought to a pithy advent quote but it’s just a plain thought unfortunately. I’m waiting to be made less cynical. I’d like to love people better by storing up hope for them. I have more hope stored for Wesley than I could fit into all the pockets of all the coats I’ve ever seen.


(From Black Rook in Rainy Weather by Sylvia Plath)

Of whatever angel may choose to flare

Suddenly at my elbow. I only know that a rook

Ordering its black feathers can so shine

As to seize my senses, haul

My eyelids up, and grant

A brief respite from fear

Of total neutrality. With luck,

Trekking stubborn through this season

Of fatigue, I shall

Patch together a content

Of sorts. Miracles occur,

If you care to call those spasmodic

Tricks of radiance miracles.

The wait's begun again, The long wait for the angel.

For that rare, random descent.

For my nephew, Hudson

Some stories

have dying 

in them.

Not all stories.

Today's story did.

Some stories

you will make,

some stories

will be made for you.

All stories 

will shape you.

Some stories

have dying

in them.

All stories

have living

in them.

Most stories

have living

and then dying.

One story

has dying

and then living.

Keep looking

for the story

that has dying

and then living

and living

and living.

Palm Springs From My Phone

What a life.

Sick and tired

This is you, being sick and tired and perfectly wonderful still. This is also us, being sick and tired and grateful you’re around to cheer us up. This was also your first trip to urgent care because we don’t know what we’re doing.

Sister Magic

Logan sent me this from across the state because I was having a hard day. I just want to remember how it made me feel — loved. She’s great at the loving thing.


Toys vs. Tools

You sit in front of your toybasket.

I plop in front of my toolbox.

The two are not so different.

Toys are tools by which we enjoy

the world;

tools are toys which we employ

to build the world.

Both should be satisfying.

But when you get older 

you will find few people feel this way.

Toys are freedom

they say,

and tools are chains.

Toys are happy

they say

and tools are sad.

Find the similarity in them:

tools can be happy,

toys can be sad.

Consider your tools toys,

and your toys tools.

Show all the world its secret joys,

and call out its hidden fools.

Nov. 4th

I honestly didn’t know I could love somebody’s cheeks so dang much. I miss them already because I know you’re going to grow up and have grown up cheeks.


Practicing your sitting while the daylight slips away.  

All fall down and kisses after


Remember, Remember

Little Pepper you turn three so very soon. Here's to you, little one, who always has a smile and an "I love you" for everyone. You bring so much laughter with your "accent" and your unique way of phrasing and naming everything. When I think of you, I cherish how you were such an easy friend to make! You've never made me work for your affection, you are so generous with it. I can't wait to learn even more about who you are this year.💞 I love you so much, little niece of mine!

"That was a good Walla Walla!"

You remind me

After exhaustion, your smile is sleep.

After turmoil, peace.

Your range of feeling is as varied as mine,

as reckless,

even as deep.

But there's a levity in your face that I have lost,

a lightweight love I long for.

On your own, you cannot walk, not even crawl,

on your own you are limited to floor.

I wonder how much there is unattainable to me

but my age deceives me into beliefs

of power, of capability.

You remind me, small movements and bones,

of my own

