Brunch date

We’ve been struggling lately. Trying to figure out how to eat new foods and keep eating the old way too. Trying to figure out how to sleep all night, all three of us, like we need to. So this morning I decided to just pack you up and take you for some breakfast because everything’s been hard so let’s eat some eggs over-easy. It worked wonders on both our moods, but mostly mine as I watched you smile at everyone you saw, and eat everything in sight. Please never stop going on breakfast dates with me, little Charlie Boy.


10 years since you walked me home from school

To  befriend someone is to become acquainted with their mind. To agree to walk side by side with their sentiments and keep beseeching, "show me". To search out their thoughts and see what trails they've wandered and which ones they've avoided. It's to become familiar with the places they say seem dark and impenetrable, and to patiently say, "I see that darkness, I have darkness too." It's to move with them — speeding at their speed and slowing at their slow. It's sitting quiet and still at the edges of their cerebral and emotional maps and dreaming together that the page could continue, perhaps. It's apologizing when you trip over the roots that have overgrown some paths. It's marveling at all the landscapes you discover in your friend.

If falling in love is free-falling down in an unexpected and destined ecstasy, becoming friends is the intentional sweaty trudge up a mountain for a view few live to see.

Not one day have I ever regretted our climb towards friendship. Not one day have I lamented traversing your mind — first.

I say rather to those just getting started, if you're going to fall in love, do it on a mountain top, like I did.

Happy New Year

If a 7 month old doesn’t need any resolutions, maybe I don’t either.

dec. 30

In places where history

perpetually confronts you

it is easier to remember roots

but harder to follow new seeds.

Where I grew up

there were no old buildings.Only old trees.

All I can remember

is counting their rings

and following their seeds

on the wind.

To My Bride Become Mother


If there's a chance you'll forget

don't take it.

Slice clean through an orange


The veined lines are never straight

but nevertheless delightful.

To be perfect

is not to be precise

but to give delight.

You are flawless today;

Every day.

Take two onions and compare:

full of water, 

and increasingly inner 


Never two alike.

To be perfect

is an absolute state

of infinite degrees.

No matter how you change,

you are always the choicest variety 

of my happiness.

Huddle against the hurtling chill

the freezer breeze brings its own kind

of charm,

candles in the night

early dark and slower Dawn

Christmas, cinnamon, steam

and all the hope we need to carry on.

Little Wallybug

When I was little my mom called me and my siblings “wallerbugs” when we couldn’t sit still and would move all over the place on her lap. These days, I’m starting to think that’s a great little name for one of my favorite nephews, since every time he sees Wesley, he wallers all over him with affection and cuddles.

Boston from my camera :)

So grateful for boys <3

Boston (from my phone)

We recently got to go visit friends and family in Boston. One group is technically family and one group is technically friends, but thankfully we can’t tell the difference. 

Part 1:

Part 2: